ECCC strives to assist students in their efforts to obtain resources to fund their education goals. Our Financial Aid Office administers federal, state, institutional, and outside financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships, work programs, and loans.
Gift Aid: Grants + Scholarships
Grant and scholarship aid is considered aid that does not have to be paid back. It can come in the form of grants, scholarships, merit awards, and outside aid from various sources, such as the institution, the state, private organizations, or the federal government. Some of the most common types of grants and scholarships include the Federal PELL Grant, ACT Scholarships, EC Promise In-District tuition gap-filler, and the Mississippi Tuition Assistant Grant for Mississippi residents.
Self-Help Aid: Loans + Student Employment
Self-help aid is aid that is either earned through work or has to be paid back. This type of aid includes student employment (i.e., work study) and student loans.
Federal Work Study is a part-time employment program for students who have demonstrated financial need according to eligibility criteria set forth by the federal government. Students are limited to earning the dollar amount shown on their award letter. In order to be considered for a Federal Work Study award, students must complete the FAFSA each year, demonstrate financial need and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
We know that figuring out financial aid can be a confusing and stressful process. Don't worry - our financial aid staff are here to help. As you navigate this process, we're available to answer any questions you may have.
ECCC Financial Aid
Smith Student Union - 1st Floor
Mae Thornton mthornton@eccc.edu
Jerami Beard jbeard@eccc.edu
Bridgett Hitt bhitt@eccc.edu
We look forward to getting to know you!